Monday, March 12, 2012

Doctor Manette Regains His Strength and Power

Ever since Dr. Manette was released from prison, we have seen him remember his prison days. Some were worse than others, but throughout the book, he has had relapses of what happened in prison. Went on for over ten years, but in Chapter 4 of the 3rd Book, we see a new Dr. Manette. He always seemed weak because of his prison memories, never able to over come them. But in this chapter, we see a new Dr. Manette. He is strong and powerful, and seems to not be held back by his time in prison.

“For the first time the Doctor felt, now, that his suffering was strength and power. For the first time, he felt that in that sharp fire, he had slowly forged the iron which could break the prison door of his daughter’s husband, and deliver him” (page 281).

Manette has never fully recovered from his 18 years in prison until now. But why did he completely overcome his time in prison now? We have seen throughout the book that his prison relapses have been sparked by being reminded of them. In this chapter, he is trying to free Charles Darnay from prison, La Bastille, which is the prison that he was kept in for 18 years. So why does he recover now. Earlier in the book, if he went to La Bastille, he would most likely start another prison relapse. So why is it that this is what cures him, and makes him feel so strong again?

If we look at the quote on page 281, I feel the second sentence is the answer to my question. “For the first time, he felt that in that sharp fire, he had slowly forged the iron which could break the prison door of his daughter’s husband, and deliver him” (page 281). One of the main reasons why being back at La Bastille cures Dr. Manette from fearing his prison days is because he feels the need to get Darnay out of La Bastille, and he knows he can help. Have you ever done something, like a sport, where you feel you are the best? You get this sense of entitlement, and are very proud. You think you are the best and strongest because of this. I feel that is why Manette is once again full of strength and power. He is “a pro”. He spent 18 years in La Bastille, and he knows what it takes to survive. He feels that because he has gone through what Darnay is encountering, and he knows that he can help Darnay become free. Because Manette spent 18 years in La Bastille, he knows that he can help Darnay. And because of this, he is once again full of strength and power. He knows what to do, and has overcome his fear of his time in La Bastille, because he feels like he knows what to do, and can save Darnay, which gives him the power and the strength that he had lost for so long.